Canyon Conflict
by Kevin 'Boltyboy' Bolt

Bandits have kidnapped the govenor's daughter.
Can the Cowboys steal the keys and rescue her?
...or will the bandits blow her to bits?

Overview by El Dragon
WW Main Page El Dragon's Guide Maps Listing


Map overview:

Offence: Cowboys
Defence: Bandits
Spawn points:
Cowboys: 1 West end of canyons
Flags: 2 Canyon and Hideout.
You will spawn in various places near the spawn flags so use compass to keep oriented.
Cowboy Spawn: West edge of map
Canyon flag: middle of canyon 1/2 way to the hideout
Hideout flag: on north side just inside gate
Daughter: In tower above hideout flag
Keys: In tower in back of keep on north side
Map Highlights:
This map is a long narrow one running west to east but can be very confusing to new players. This is due to 2 things: First is that you can not spectate and surf the map (if access to objectives is on then you are trapped in the room where the govenor is huggin his daughter, if closed then you are trapped in the prison tower with the daughter). Second is the fact that you will almost never (even on a crouded map) respawn within site of another teammate. It adds a nice bit of chaos to fighting in the canyons but you will need to check your bearings on your compass to head in the right direction. This is a nice large map w/ several routes to the flags and into the hideout. Also what makes this map interesting is that it's a dual objective map. Once the second flag is taken by the cowboys it becomes a race. The cowboys must penetrate deep into the hideout and steal the keys and bring them back to the prison tower while preventing the bandits from blowing her up. Both teams will need to have players on both offence and defence to win this one.
Tactics Cowboys: Head east young man
Capture the canyon flag, several routes (north/south sides or down the middle of the canyon (beware of gatling gun emplacement above flag).
Capture Hidout flag, also several routes. There is a drawbridge on south side, blow the main gates in center, or blow and sneak in the tunnel on north side (not easy, follow someone who knows the sequence of grenade tosses).
Now it gets tricky, you must steal the keys to rescue the daugher but you must also protect her. (bandits can pull a win by blowing her up here :o ) Here again there are many ways in (still learning all myself) also beware, at this point the bandits are coming out of every hole to the west.
Tactics Bandits:
The Cowboys will be coming from the west.
Use your compass to plan your defense.
Hold the canyon as best as possible.
Then hold the hidout.
If the hidout flag is taken you have 2 options, protect the keys or blow up the daughter, both will need teamwork and support.
Objective Mode:

Capture and hold Canyon Flag for 15 seconds

Capture and hold Hideout Flag for 15 seconds

Grab the keys from the key room.

Rescue the govenor's daughter

Prevent the bandits from blowing her to smithereens.


Central canyon just east of cowboy spawn (looking E)

Canyon Flag from South Canyon (looking E)

Canyon flag from North Canyon (looking SE)

Bandits holding the Canyon flag (looking WNW

Hideout fortress from central canyon (looking SE)

Hideout fortress from Northern mining tunnel (looking N)
Note large rock up top. A well placed bomb will knock this down into the canyon making anouther route into hideout.

the Damsel in Distress (Prison tower above hideout flag)

Hideout flag and prison tower (looking )

View of key room from prison tower (looking NE)

View of prison tower from key room roof (looking SW)

The key room (looking N)

The keys (in key room)