Micro ArmorSedanFought in the Spring of 1940 Sedan proved the decisive battle in Frances speedy defeat. Not for lack of equipment or numbers were the French defeated (as they had more & better of each). A well commanded French army might have dealt the Germans there first defeat of the war.(above is what the french saw) French Players: (commander) Dragon, Merk, & Ming French setup: 3 Artillery batteries (minimum distance between 2' appart) 5 H2, and 3 Charbis (minimum setup distance 1' appart) 30 Infantry Squads (many w/ poor moral) (minimum setup distance 6" appart) The French are scattered and disorganized to begin the game. Tactics: French will attempt to regroup armor near center of board and defend the river line. German Players: (commander) Dave, John, & Malcom Setup: German units must enter along the 2 roads coming out of the Arden. Game Tactics: Commander Dave Decieded to bring all Units down one road and then loop his tanks, troops, and artillery behind the big hill then push from there. Game Play: The French Awake (literally for morning battle) to massive rumblings in the forrest. Dragon plots a devistating artillery barrage on the enterance and kills many german tanks, Dave's moral quivers but does not break. Dragon should have kept up the barrages in that spot but didn't (fool) for it would have devistated and bottlenecked the Germans in the heavy woods. There was also confusion in the French ranks for the Armor didn't rondevou but pressed on into the masses of German tanks, and managed to actually inflict many casulties. But low, it was not enough to keep the Germans from winning the field. The Photos: The disorganized French layout The French score big with a lucky artillery barrage The endless german line of armor continues to pour out The French attempt to form up a last line of defence. |