
Romans vs. Macedonians

The Romans / Macedonians battle has been fought 3 times over the years with the Macedonian getting massacred. The Macedonian phalanx, though a fearsome fighting unit, seems to always become enveloped and destroyed too easily. Halfway through this battle, Dragon & Chris finally worked out the riddle of manuvering the mighty phalanx, but the battle was too far gone to stop the roman victory. Dragon is now raring for a rematch someday and is convinced that the Macedonians have a chance to win.

The field arrayed w/ the Romans at the top and the Macedonians at the bottom
The Roman Army
Units: 1 Archer, 2 Javlin, 2 Med. Inf., 2 Hv. Inf., 1 Cavalry
The Macedonian Army
Units: 2 Archer, 2 Javlin, 1 Sling, and the Phalanx

Dragon (wearing leather Lorica Segmentata) surveys his Macedonian phalanx

Battle Shots:

Roman cavalry charges across the center but falls short of the Macedonian archers.

Cavalry persuing fleeing bowmen and slingers engague the infantry.

The phalanx engages with 4 roman units.

The phalanx is broken but at a cost of most of the cavalry and 1 1/2 infantry units.