World Domination
Using pieces from 5 old Axis & Allied games (for 8 nations {original 6 plus Golden Rome & the Pink Pinko's}) and rules that resemble it (but tecknowlegy table has 10 catagories and 3 levels). Played on a 'random hex' field (staggered squares). World is made using up to 36 of the double sided 3x3 hex boards.
The old classic needs little introduction.
I think an alliance of island nations (sorry no helicopters) would make an interesting scenario for this years game.
Starting Cities are places by random die rolls and then Aliances are also diced for.
The Teams:
Japan (Dragon) & America (Ming) vs. Russia (Tom) & Germany (John)
Nation building was slow but steady & people didn't start to develope tech till turns 5 or 6.
Ming Scored early with V2 Rockets just as Tom was about to launch an invasion, this took the wind out of his only offencive of the game.
Later on in the game, Dragon managed to make the 3 teir of the jet power tech thus giving his heavy bombers in air refuling, thus spelling the end of the game.
The Island Nations. Each tile was examined to consist of minimum amount of 'rich land' and arranged for this 'sea of islands'. Nation Expantion was slow & chalanging.
The battle 6 turns in. Teritory is being grabbed but no major offences just yet...
The Winning Alliance Japan (Dragon) & America (Ming)