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Basic Hints and Icons

Usable Hint
You will see this icon whenever there is an item that you can use or activate. Such items could be doors or windows that can be opened or a fixed weapon that can be used. To use the item hit your activation key (default is F).

Breakable Hint
You will see this icon whenever there is an item that can be broken. Some items are windows, doors, lids, walls, etc... Use what ever destructive means you feel necessary.

Climbable Hint
You will see this icon whenever there is a climbable surface. They may include ladders, vines, cliffs...

Dynamite Hint
You will see this icon whenever there is a destructible item. If you are a miner, this is where you plant the dynamite. If not call the engineer via voice chat (V24).

Disarm Hint
You will see this icon whenever there is something to disarm (usually dynamite). If you're an engineer disarm using weapon bank 5 and activation key (default is F), if not call minor (V24) and clear out fast.

Revive Hint
You will see this icon whenever there is a downed teammate. If you're a doctor, revive w/ cure-all tonic (weapon bank 5), or call a doctor (V21)

The compass is a very important tool to be used in the Wild West. Many of the maps are large and/or confusing and the use of the compass will keep you from getting lost. The compass will also give you vital information as well (showing up on the edge of the compass) getting larger the closer you are to the team call. The team calls that show up on the compass (and above the member that called) are:

Ammo Call
A teammate that is low or out of ammunition can call for ammo (V22) and this icon will show above his head and on all Sheriff/Captain's compasses. A good Sheriff/Captain will let the teammate know he's on his way by answering him (V6).

Doctor Call
A teammate that is wounded or down can call for the doctor (V21) and this icon will show above his head and on all Doctor's compasses. A good Doctor will let the teammate know he's on his way by answering him (V6).

Voice Chat
Any teammate that uses voice chats (default is the V key) to inform team of situation, status, etc.. This icon will appear over his head and also on teammates compasses. Some uses would be to call for a minor (V24), inform team that the way is clear (V11) or (V13), or that they need backup (V23) or (V25). See Voice Chat Guide for full list of voice chats.