(from the email from Chris, our 'master' of cerimonies)

Greetings All,
It is my pleasure to announce the official dates of the Ming weekend as being October 11-14, Columbus day weekend. Please read the below game selections & return the attached voting sheet ASAP so I might begin planning the weekend schedule. As always meals will be provided at a reasonable cost. (recent experience at the last few weekends seems to be towards less lavish (cheaper) meals & fewer snack items available). Games will commence Friday night & go straight through Sunday. I have to work on Monday but will set up a game for Monday morning if desired. (I probably wont leave until Monday morning or late Sunday night.)

Unlike past years round robin tournaments where a player had to lose twice to be eliminated, this year I propose a quicker single elimination tournament. One loss & your out will prove difficult for a superior player defeated by an inferior one but I believe the sprit of the tournament will remain.

Watching TV adds for the upcoming movie THE 4 FEATHERS gave me the idea to stage a re-enactment of the decisive battle of Omdurman. Fought in 1898 the British army was in a state of modern transition fighting with both bolt action rifles & lancer cavalry. Just by chance I happen to own both Dervisher rebels & British Colonial troops of that era.

3. WW2 CAMPAIGN. "Utah Beach"
Soon after the great Normandy battle questions began to arise as to just how well the Allied players would have done with the new Aircraft & AAA rules in place. We don't have time to refight the entire battle however Utah beach (the central beach on the map) could be replayed with the EXACT forces purchased on each side. Will allied airpower triumph again or will the panzers seize the beach & annihilate the Americans.

4. 15mm NAPOLEONIC -Saratoga
Often called the first real victory of the American Revolution, Saratoga, with its difficult terrain & varied mix of regulars & reserves, should prove a challenge for either side.

5. MICRO ARMOR - Sedan.
Fought in the Spring of 1940 Sedan proved the decisive battle in Frances speedy defeat. Not for lack of equipment or numbers were the French defeated (as they had more & better of each). A well commanded French army might have dealt the Germans there first defeat of the war.

6. BATTLE SHIP - Surgio Straights
At the height of the battle of Leyte Gulf a mixed force of Japanese Battleships, Cruisers & Destroyers attempted to breach the American defenses at Surgio Straights. Although outnumbered American Battleships (aided by some near suicidal PT attacks) formed battle lines & met the Jap attack guns blazing.

We haven't had a good sailing ship battle in some time. No historical president is required for this game. If selected I will allow opposing Admirals to choose there fleets on a points basis & then see what happens.

I still have a Roman / Macedonian battle packed away from 3 game weekends ago. (I guess we never got around to playing it). I've had time to work on the rules so everything should be up to speed by the weekend.

Good humans vs. Bad will be the theme for this years battle. Only wizards of limited strength will be allowed in the game making it more tactics driven & less magic.

In yet a new twist for this ever changing game I propose I mixture of both Map & Gameboard play. Fleets & forces will be visible for all to see but movement will be pre plotted.

The old classic needs little introduction.
I think an alliance of island nations (sorry no helicopters) would make an interesting scenario for this years game.

Comic book battles come to life with this new game.
If I can secure some game pieces I will construct a D&D style game table with a force of hero's set upon a task with many obstacles in there way. With just a few minor adjustments to the rules I think we all could have a good time with this one.

Well there you have it.
Choose 7 of the above mentioned games & send them back to me if your interested in coming down.
Carpooling can be figured out latter.
As always forward this on to any who might be interested.
Hope to see you all there.
